While working with a virtual or dedicated server, errors may periodically occur. Don’t be afraid or panic – there is a solution! But first, let’s look at the definition of this 413 error. Notation Error 413 is like “Request Entity Too Large” occurs when the web server is unable to process the request because the maximum size of the request body has been exceeded. For what reason does this most often happen? It may well be in the process of transferring data to the server, for example, when downloading files, emails, or downloading forms.

Causes of Error 413

Since error 413 is not a rare occurrence, there can be many reasons, respectively. In this article we will try to look at some of the most common mistakes, with a short description.

  • Exceeding server limitations. Some servers impose restrictions on the size of request bodies, and if the request size exceeds this limit, the server will issue a 413 error.
  • Incorrect web server configuration. Improper configuration of maximum request size parameters on the server side can lead to the occurrence of a 413 error.
  • Low connection bandwidth. If the data transfer speed between the client and server is insufficient, requests may be truncated due to excessively large data volume.
  • Improper data encoding. Incorrect or improper data encoding in the request can lead to an increase in its size and, consequently, a 413 error.
  • Insufficient server resources. If the server lacks sufficient resources to process large requests, this can also result in a 413 error.
  • Network equipment issues. Malfunctions or incorrect settings of network equipment between the client and server can lead to connection termination when transferring large data volumes.
  • Insufficient timeout settings. Timeout settings on the server can cause requests of excessive size to be rejected due to timeout expiration.
  • Browser or client issues. Some browsers or client programs may incorrectly form or transmit requests, leading to a 413 error.
  • Proxy servers and load balancers. If there is a proxy server or load balancer between the client and the server, they may also have restrictions on request size.
  • Server attacks. In some cases, attackers may deliberately generate large requests to trigger a 413 error and disrupt server operation. Please note that all Ava HOST virtual servers are equipped with DDoS protection and are able to prevent attacks. For additional advice, you can contact here – https://my.ava.hosting/submitticket.php 

Possible Solutions for Error 413

  • Check the request size. Make sure that the request size does not exceed the limit set on the server or proxy. This is one of the most common problems.
  • Increase server resources. You can consider upgrading your VPS plan or dedicated server, which will help solve your problem if it is a lack of resources. If the error is caused by insufficient server resources, increase the amount of memory or processor power to handle large requests. The Ava HOST team will be able to competently organize an increase in the tariff plan while maintaining all the important data for you!
  • Configure the maximum request size on the server. If the error is caused by a request size limit on the server, increase the limit in the web server configuration.
  • Change your proxy or load balancer settings. If your proxy or load balancer is causing the error, check its settings and increase the limits if possible.
  • Optimize the connection between client and server. Try improving your connection throughput to reduce the likelihood of a request being dropped due to a large amount of data.
  • Check data encoding. Make sure data is encoded correctly before sending it to the server to minimize request size.
  • Update your client software or browser: Sometimes problems can be caused by outdated versions of your software or browser, so update them to the latest versions.