Nachstehend finden Sie Beispiele für Cron-Jobs. Ich hoffe, diese Informationen helfen Ihnen, die Funktionsweise dieses Programms besser zu verstehen.

# perform the task once per hour for 0 minutes

0 */1 * * * /home/u12345/

# perform the task every three hours at 0 minutes

0 */3 * * * /home/u12345/

# complete the task on mondays at 1:15 a.m.

15 1 * * 1 /home/u12345/

# complete the task on april 5 at 0 o'clock 1 minute every year

1 0 5 4 * /home/u12345/

# complete the task on Friday the 13th at 13:13

13 13 13 * 5 /home/u12345/

# complete the task every month on the 1st at 6:10 am

10 6 1 * * /home/u12345/